Protocol Outline Online
Use this document to draft your protocol for recognizing and responding to intimate partner violence experienced by refugee women
Introduction and Background
Why is this protocol being developed? What is the scope and role that it will encompass within the organization?
Purpose and Objectives
What are the needs/concerns/issues that it will address? What will the protocol accomplish and how will it do this?
Statement of Principles
What does the organization stand for which supports the development and adherence to this document? What are the beliefs and core values related to intimate partner violence?
Programs/Services Involved
What are the services involved where there could be witnessed and/or reported incidents of IPV experienced by refugee women?
Staff and Roles
Who are the parties involved at all stages of the IPV recognition, response, and referral process? In what way? What is expected from each person? What are their training and support needs?
Recognition (Screening/Identification)
What are the activities needed to support the woman (and her family) to communicate concerns or issues? What tools and actions will staff use to identify IPV in their daily service encounters?
Respond (Assessment/Intervention)
What specific actions will staff take when IPV has been identified or disclosed? Who will be consulted? What response is expected? What safety tools and measures will be utilized?
Refer (Consultation/Collaboration/Resources)
What are the community linkages needed to serve clients and respond effectively in IPV cases? How will referrals be conducted? By whom? What follow-up or ongoing services will be offered?
What are the key considerations (and limitations) related to confidentiality that must be established? How will clients be informed? Who will do so?
Documentation and Reporting
What information will be documented? How will the information be used? How are expectations about mandatory reporting shared with clients/staff? Who will make decisions about reporting?
Legal Considerations
What are the potential liability issues? What legal resources might be needed by women who are refugees and experiencing IPV?
Protocol Review Process
How will you assess the implementation strengths and weaknesses and make modifications as needed?
What are the supplemental materials and resources included, referenced and/or integrated into the protocol activities?
What are the sources used? Where can support reference materials be found?