Employment Articles

Language Confidence for Newcomers
For newcomers to Canada, whose native language is not English or French, engaging socially or professionally can feel like a daunting task. To thrive within Canada, as a happy, integrated member of society, usually requires a lot of hard work and significantly stepping out of your comfort zone.

"Just Keep Swimming": How to Keep Motivated While on the Job Hunt
So, you have prepared your resume, wrote an amazing cover letter, and finally you are ready to send out the application... And you sit and wait… And what some more…

Barriers to Employment
A condition that can be physical, mental, or a personal situation that prevents a person from finding employment. Although barriers can make finding employment difficult, there are many ways to overcome these barriers.

How to Prepare a Canadian-Style Resume
Creating a Canadian-style resume is the best way to jump-start a career in Canada. However, as a newcomer, writing an appropriate resume can be a challenge. Below are some great tips to get you started.

Mental Health and Employment
Mental illnesses are health problems that affect the way we think about ourselves, relate to others, and interact with the world around us. Which are more likely to come up during times of stress or uncertainty, which can be part of many people's jobs.

The Importance of Volunteering as a Newcomer
Being new to a country can be very daunting. Especially when you are faced with the task of searching for a job and the main feedback from interviewers is that you need Canadian experience. Your response, rightfully so, “how do I get Canadian experience if no one would hire me?” The answer lies in volunteering!