History Video Transcript
Young Woman in Hijab Speaking:
There are people who need assistance and help. Especially when you come to new to a country you do need help, you do need guidance.
Shot of an old photograph of women standing together in a group.
From a small grassroots organization established in 1978
Shot of an old photograph of two women by a desk
To a vibrant and essential service provider empowering women to achieve their goals and overcome life’s challenges and struggles.
Shot of an old photograph of a teacher in front of a classroom of women.
Especially when I come into Canada and I don't know anyone
Shot of an old photograph of the RWC 925 Building.
Black woman speaking:
It has helped me a lot in terms of getting information. Filling forms like some forms that I needed to submit to immigration.
Senior black man speaking:
Coming to the Rexdale Women’s Centre program helped me a lot to get over my loneliness and gave me an opportunity to meet others like who were like me.
Shot of an old photograph of a couple dancing at an event.
Shot of an old Photograph of immigrant men sitting around a table.
Senior Italian woman speaking:
It helped me to come out of isolation. If we stay home, do what? This way, I came to Rexdale Women’s Centre, I met so many culture and I get so much from them and learning.
Young woman speaking:
It was such a great place and I wish it to be growth and help all people regardless they are newcomers to the country regards how many years they been in country, they need support, regardless paper support or verbal support or even emotional support.
Shot of an old photograph of a group of people at a picnic listening to a man play the banjo.
Shot of an old photography of a classroom of a diverse group of women writing a test.
Shot of an old photograph of Group of women cooking together.
Senior Indian woman speaking:
My stress and emotions and everything was fading. I was very happy that I was living independent. To move on my own. It didn't take a long time for me to learn when I started going to the Rexdale Women’s Centre I was brave enough, I had the courage, the confident and how could I move and adjusted myself very happily. Whatever we want is available, whatever we need is available, what is needed are provided by the staff.
Fatima Fillipi, Executive Director of Rexdale Women’s Centre, speaking:
The center has played a vital role in the community and the development of of our clients and the residents and I think it's it's a phenomenal journey that we've been on.
Shot of an old photograph of a woman speaking at a podium before a group. A banner with the Rexdale Women’s Centre written on it is on the blackboard behind her.
Shot of an old photograph of a diverse group of women standing together smiling.
Fatima Fillipi, Executive Director of Rexdale Women’s Centre, speaking:
Our vision is really to empower women to give them the skills and the support that they need in order to become fully participating members in their community or in our society.
Shot of an old photograph of a group of women in RWC t-shirts holding up a large Rexdale Women’s Centre banner
Fatima Fillipi, Executive Director of Rexdale Women’s Centre, speaking:
Often I'm asked you know what's your greatest accomplishment and it's so hard to pick you know we have so many programs that are incredible and you know you look at programs for children for youth for adults and for seniors and how do you pick one one particular program.
Shot of an old photograph of a large group of children wearing orange Rexdale Women’s Centre t-shirts.
Shot of an old photograph of a group of women speaking at a workshop on Family Violence.
Shot of an old photograph of a group of people at a protest, holding up signs reading “End Poverty” and “Drop Fees!”.
Fatima Fillipi, Executive Director of Rexdale Women’s Centre, speaking:
And what I often think about is how we've helped to empower people to make their own decisions and to move on with situations that they find challenging and ways in which that their lives are enriched.
Shot of an old photograph of a group of children playing with a soccer ball.
Shot of an old photograph of a diverse group of women standing in front of a potluck.
Fatima Fillipi, Executive Director of Rexdale Women’s Centre, speaking:
Time has gone by quickly and it's a good thing because, you know, it means that we're, you know, it’s always something new, something interesting, something relevant, something that our clients help us to determine to get to get off the ground or a new project or a new activity. For me that has been why I've been here as long as I have and that the fact that the centre has been you know celebrating this incredible milestone.
Senior black man speaking:
With further explanation it's celebrating 40 years.
Senior Italian woman speaking:
To growing more, because since 1978, which I know from them, we grow a lot, by wish to grow more.
Senior black man speaking:
We wish you to continue for many more years doing the good service that is worth doing.
Fatima Fillipi, Executive Director of Rexdale Women’s Centre, speaking:
I can't see Rexdale without the Rexdale Women’s Centre.
Shot of an old photograph of a large group of diverse women smiling.
Rexdale Women’s Centre has come a long way and we will continue to assist women and their families to find their way.